The third actively exploited Chrome zero-day of 2022 has been patched by Google

Another zero-day vulnerability in the Chrome browser has been fixed by Google.

On April 14, Google published Chrome version 100.0.4896.127 for Windows, Mac, and Linux to resolve the CVE-2022-1364 issue. Since the beginning of the year, the business has released two more zero-days, CVE-2022-0609 and CVE-2022-1096.

Google didn't provide much information on CVE-2022-1364. Clément Lecigne from the business's Threat Analysis Group revealed a type of confusion vulnerability in the V8 engine used by Chrome and the Chromium project upon which it was built sometime in 2022, according to the company.

Other browsers based on the Chromium project, such as Microsoft Edge and Vivaldi, are therefore vulnerable to CVE-2022-1364. Both Microsoft and Vivaldi recognized the flaw and claimed they'd upgraded their browsers to the patched Chromium version.

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