Tesla has raised the price of full self-driving cars once more


Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO, has stated that the cost of the feature will soon jump to $12,000 in the United States.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced that the business is boosting the price of its Full Self-Driving (FSD) feature once again and that this trend will likely continue as the function nears its end of beta.

FSD's price has risen from $5,000 to $10,000 after its debut in October 2020. Musk claims the new $12,000 pricing for FSD will go live on January 17, but stresses that the increased price will only apply to customers in the United States in a follow-up tweet. (It's unclear why the price increase won't be applied to other items.)

For consumers who don't want to pay a single amount for the FSD add-on, Tesla has now created a $199 per month subscription option. Those monthly payments may appear more enticing now that FSD will cost an additional $2,000, but they, too, are anticipated to climb in the near future.

Despite criticism from the National Transportation Safety Board, a protest from two senators who claimed the feature's nomenclature is deceptive, and recent investigations into a string of Autopilot-related incidents, Tesla made the FSD beta available to more consumers in late 2021.

Even while Musk justified flawed versions of FSD in December 2021 by claiming that "this is to be anticipated with beta software," the feature's price is now rising again, purportedly because it's nearing an official release. Tesla appears to want to have its beta and charge a higher price for it. 

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