This artificial intelligence program can create stunning images of whatever you tell it to


A new AI algorithm is wowed by its capacity to create realistic and artistic images from a simple written description.

DALL-E 2 is the name of the software, which was developed by the OpenAI research lab in San Francisco. The lab debuted the AI on Wednesday by displaying the art it can produce.

The results are stunning, and we're wondering whether this is the way picture editing will go in the future. If you tell DALL-E 2 to draw "a koala dunking a basketball," for example, the AI will draw a photorealistic image of the animal leaping through the air to a basketball hoop.

The AI may also replace the images in existing photographs to alter them. For example, if you input "cute cat" into DALL-E 2, the canine will be transformed into a kitten.

Furthermore, the application may take an original image and generate several modifications in the same style.

The DALL-E 2 was constructed by programming OpenAI to examine existing photos that had been annotated with a written description detailing the person, animal, or objects portrayed. DALL-E 2 can not only detect what's within a picture but also attempt to duplicate it, thanks to "deep learning" training.

In January 2021, OpenAI released the first version of DALL-E. The second iteration, on the other hand, has been improved to draw the graphics more precisely and with higher-resolution art quality.

It's also worth noting that DALL-E 2 can create images of objects that don't exist in the actual world. If you order it to draw a "monkey paying taxes," for example, the AI will create an image of the animal confronting a computer despite never seeing one throughout the training process.

The DALL-E 2 is a glimpse of what future artificial intelligence will have in store for computers, according to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

In a blog post, he stated, "This is another example of what I believe will be a new computer interface trend: you express what you want in natural language or with contextual hints, and the computer does it." "Imagine a 'AI office worker' who accepts requests in natural language, just like a human."

DALL-E 2 also demonstrates that artificial intelligence is capable of more than simply automation. "Although the upsides are huge, the model is powerful enough that the disadvantages are easy to conceive," Altman added.

Altman didn't go into detail about the drawbacks. However, previous studies and demonstrations have demonstrated that AI-created deep fakes of individuals may be used to propagate misinformation and deceive the public.

"Hopefully this summer, we'll have a product launch and people will be able to see it," Altman said. 

for a variety of purposes We wanted to start with a study project to see how we might reduce the drawbacks of working with a bigger group of academics and artists, as well as allow individuals time to adjust."

More information on how DALL-E 2 was built may be found in a research paper published by OpenAI. It's also started an Instagram account dedicated to the artwork done by DALL-E 2.

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